Tag: mixed gender freemasonry


I have been thinking a bit about the future of the website. I think I have found most information about mixed gender and female Freemasonry...

Anthroposophy and co-Masonry

A while ago a regular Freemason was making fun of my kind of Freemasonry towards a brother of his. He mentioned Annie Besant (1847-1933) and...

Musings of a webmaster

In August 2014 I started with this website. The choice for a free WordPress.com was deliberate. I wanted to see if the built-in interactivity of...

Honorable Order international

The Honorable Order of Universal Co-Masonry (before April 2017 “The Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry”) is what remained when the American federation of Le Droit Humain split...

repost: Wife, Sister — freemason

This old post (4/2/2008 Thomas Munkholt) says a thing or two about “femalecraft” and mixed gender Freemasonry in Denmark. Source: Wife, Sister — freemason (Grailquest blog)...

Forgetting something

Karen Kidd quotes a text from “The Very Ills Bro. Bertha Williams 33°”. Williams looks back at her time as leader of the American Federation...


It has not been organized and is not maintained in America to compete with any of them, to condemn or fight any of them, but...

That day is not yet here

I would not want anyone to join the Co-Masonic Order with the idea that in doing so he was going to be recognized by American...

Well posted Co-Masons

Then we must develop a system of Masonic education that will give us membership well posted in Masonic history, in Masonic ethics, in Masonic rules...