On March 12 1921 the first “samfrímúrariglan” meeting was held in Iceland. The foundation of the lodge Ýmir was initiated by two sisters who immegrated from Norway. The first lodge was worked under the Scandinavian federation. The Icelandic federation started in 1985.
Nowadays Iceland has ten lodges of Le Droit Humain. Seven in Reykjavik (St. Ýmir, St. Embla, St. Ósiris, St. Baldur, St. Sindri, St. Fjörgyn and St. Ljósfari (the youngest lodge, founded in 1997)), two in Akureyri (St. Gimli and St. Austri) and one in Egilsstaðir (St. Air).
The website of the Icelandic branch of Le Droit Humain can be found here.
Iceland has more Freemasonry, but that seems to be male-only.
Maria Ordenen. This seems to be a Freemasonry-like organisation such as the Weavers are one in the Netherlands. Founded in Norway in 1916, working with seven grades with a more feminine symbolism and a distinctly Christian tone (as Freemasonry in Scandinavia has). There are 41 lodges in Norway, 15 in Sweden, 6 in Denmark, 1 in Iceland, 2 in Finland and 2 in Germany.