Category: history

co-Masonry in Australian newspapers

When looking for something, I ran into the website, a digital database of Australian newspapers. Looking around a bit, I found a lot of...

La Loge de Juste revisited

Seven years ago I was reading Snoek/Heidl’s Women’s Agency which contains an essay about the Dutch adoption lodge De Juste and wrote a little something...

Le Droit Humain Mexico

I ran into a first degree ritual of the Mexican federation of Le Droit Humain (“editado for el delegado del supremo consejo de la co-Masoneria...

Mystic Misraim today

Early 2016 I described the dealings of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) with Freemasonry. It appears that Steiner and his second wife Marie Steiner-von Sivers (1867-1948) were...

Lodge nr.4, a co-Masonic mystery

Last week I finally got myself a copy of the “Verulam” ritual. I had a copy from the Bibliotheque Nationale de France scanned. To my...

Grande Loge Symbolique Ecossaise (de France)

The history of the short lived Grande Loge Symbolique Ecossaise (1880-1911) is well documented. A book was even published about it. The ‘Symbolic Scottish Grand...

Aimée Bothwell-Gosse (1866-1954)

Bothwell’s name is one that I run into every so often, such as when I was looking into the co-Masonic connections of Waite and Yarker....

John Yarker (1833-1913) and co-Masonry

In my little biography of Arthur Waite (1857-1942), we saw that Yarker objected Waite’s disrespectful reference to co-Masonry. Yarkers ties to co-Masonry are more often...

Arthur Waite (1857-1942) and co-Masonry

Arthur Edward Waite (1857-1942), the famous author on things esoteric and occult and a Freemason of a lodge under the United Grand Lodge of England....

Oswald Wirth (1860-1943) and co-Masonry

Wirth’s name is one that you may quite likely have heard of. He is one of those ‘famous Freemasons’ who lived relatively recently. Besides for...