Clipsas website

Today I got the following comment:

Your website has been compromised with pornography. When I clicked on (Member of Clipsas) on the George Washington Union, and the Grand Orient de France, both links took me to pornography. Please fix this.

Of course it was not my website that was compromised, but the commenter was right that the Clipsas links referred to a website with barely clothed ladies. Indeed, the Clipsas website had moved again. Sigh. They went from .org to .news and apparently now back to .org. The .news account seems to have been bought by a company advertising something else than Freemasonry…

I removed most of the Clipsas links, because having to edit 50 links on a Monday morning is no way to start the week. I only left a few links which are now again correct.

Thank you Susanne for letting me know this.

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