Website moved – update your bookmarks
I followed the complaints of users about the new advertisements for a couple of days. The subject is looked at, but I only see more advertisement and the one on top of the sidebar is still there. Which made me think. I prefer to have as much control over my websites as possible and this event shows that on a free service, the provider can do pretty much everything they want. Perhaps the advertisement will be brought back to more reasonable proportions, but who knows what new ideas will come up next year?
Another thing that I noticed is that logged in users do not get ads, so perhaps WordPress aims to have many logged in users, which smells a bit like what Facebook is doing: try to keep you logged in, so they can gather information about your surfing behavior and present targeted advertisement.
It is not difficult, nor expensive, to have a self-hosted WordPress site, but I did have a reason to use it has built in ‘social features’. A website can be found searching, followed, shared, etc. But does that weigh against what’s happening now? Of course I could upgrade to a paid, but that is $ 4,- per month per site, while now I have three sites for $ 5,- per year.
I like to inform you and am also willing to invest some of my own money to do so, but I don’t intend to play ball all the time.
So, please update your bookmarks. If you followed the old website in your (WordPress) feed reader, please resubscribe using the following url: